EP – 142 Older Job Seekers

EP – 142 Older Job Seekers

Our monthly one on one conversation This month, I discuss some thoughts about being an older job hunter. You might be looking for work because of burnout, no further advancement opportunities, or layoffs. Whatever your particular case may be, we have repeatedly seen...

EP – 74 Career Meets Purpose

Our conversation with Greg Vance Greg Vance joins us again to discuss job hunting, career management, and finding work that has purpose and meaning in our middle to later years. Greg is a successful and sought-after coach who has been where many of us are currently....

EP – 73 Purposeful Work and Job Crafting

Our conversation with Rebecca Fraser-Thill In this week’s conversation, Rebecca Fraser-Thill joins us to talk about career choices for grandfathers and anyone in their middle years. Rebecca and I review some of the myths and old perceptions of changing jobs once...