The Cool Grandpa
Featured Cool Grandpa Podcasts
EP – 189 Declaring Independence from Negative Thoughts in Grandparenting
This weekend is July 4th or Independence Day in the United States. It was the day that the United States declared its independence from England. In this one-on-one conversation, I want to encourage you to declare your independence from just ONE thing holding you back...
EP – 188 The First Grandfather Cracker Barrel
This week's episode is a round table or cracker barrel discussion for The Cool Grandpa Podcast. The term cracker barrel comes from when, primarily, men would gather in a country store and eat saltine crackers out of a wooden barrel while talking about the weather,...
EP – 187 Doing Busy Right with Larry Tribble
Larry Tribble, PhD, joins us this week to discuss how busy professionals can be productive in managing their professional and personal lives. Larry and I start our discussion by defining what a typical knowledge worker experiences concerning minimum direction and...
My Grandpa’s Grandpa
When it is time for bed, Charlie’s grandpa tucks Charlie in. Charlie asks his grandpa many questions about his grandpa’s grandpa. Charlie’s grandpa shares a magical moment as he introduces Charlie to his great-grandpa through fun memories.
This is a smooth mouse pad for even smoother browsing. The top lets everyone know that you are a Cool Grandpa or have a Cool Grandpa in your life. The rubber bottom guarantees no slip around the mouse (optical and laser). The mouse pads will serve you for years without fraying or pilling.
This site is for new and seasoned grandpas. No one threw us an instruction manual on how to do this job, so let’s create one together! You will find meaningful messages of hope, helpful tips, and venting about the role of being a grandpa. The most important thing to remember is that no matter where you are in the journey…
Share Your Story
Are you a grandpa with an interesting story? Someone that could use some advice? Do you know someone that should be the subject of one of the upcoming podcasts? Fill out the contact form and let’s get together.