Our conversation with Susan Raisch Susan Raisch joins our conversation today about bullying and how grandparents can be a resource in identifying and resolving children dealing with bullying. We discuss the difference between what is just a bad interaction and what...
EP – 101 Humor is Where the Heart is
Our conversation with Lee Gaitan Had a bad bounce in life? Have you ever struggled to explain to a four-year-old grandchild that a cheese sandwich cut diagonally tastes EXACTLY the same as one cut down the middle? This week's guest, Lee Gaitan, has had those same...
Bonus – Halloween Fun with the Grandkids
Our conversation with Uncle Rog Ever wonder who those people go over the top at Halloween and have the best home haunt in the neighborhood? Meet Nationally recognized home haunt and prop designer expert Roger Hayes. Order your drink and pull up a chair so you can join...
EP – 100th Episode
Our time to catch up and celebrate Well, it was bound to happen. This is my 100th episode of The Cool Grandpa Podcast! In trying to think about what to do for my 100th show, I thought about putting together a collection of stories from past interviews. I had even...
EP – 99 Favorite Grampy
Our conversation with Manny Oliverez Manny Oliverez is on a mission to be THE FAVORITE GRAMPY. Manny is someone who didn't grow up with his grandfathers setting an example about what a grandpa should or shouldn't do. This left Manny with a clean slate to create the...
EP – 98 What Makes Grandfathers Unique?
Our conversation with Dr. Abby Stephan Dr. Abby Stephan had a unique experience as a youngster because she had an actual multi-generational household. This experience is unique because most of us in North America live with just parents and children and not with...
EP – 97 Grandparents Day
This is our monthly one-on-one. Welcome into this pre-Grandparents Day conversation. The conversation is a bit short this week, but I am calling out a few things to remember about being a Grandfather and Grandparent. First, not every relationship will be exactly like...
EP – 96 Being a Role Model
Our conversation with James Lott, Jr. Grandpa Jammie is back for another great conversation. In this conversation, we pick up where we left off the conversation we had on James's YouTube channel, "Really! I'm a Grandparent." About a couple of months ago, James had me...
EP – 95 The Humor in the Everyday
Our conversation with Jerry Zezima You must be a certain character to see the humor in almost everything. From remembrances of your own adolescent past to a baby's first and very awkward steps to your daily habits, which you have done for years but can no longer...
EP – 94 Kinoo
Our conversation with Jim Marggaff Jim Marggaff joins the conversation this week to talk about his latest company, Kinoo. Kinoo is an interactive application specifically designed to increase multigenerational relations when there is a distance between the young ones...

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