Cynthia Covey Haller joins us to discuss the book Live Life In Crescendo, which she and her late father, Steven Covey, wrote. We discuss the idea for the book and how it came about. Cynthia shares with us how her father thought that expanding a person’s life was...
This is somewhat of a ‘Bonus’ or repeat episode. This episode is a conversation that I had with Dan Miller, author of the book 48 Days To The Work and Life You Love. I start this conversation with a few thoughts about Dan and his 48 Days Community’s...
Curt Liljedahl from AdventuRetired is back to talk and share with us his memories of his grandfathers. Curt will introduce you to his grandfathers, James Bertelson, and JM Liljedahl. We take our time getting to know each of these gentlemen’s backgrounds and...
Doug Sohn from Success After Sixty joins our conversation to discuss how aging people can look around and see what their age and experience make possible. We talk with Doug about how, as a father of six and a successful lawyer. Shortly before his birthday, he...
Ted Page joins the conversation this week to discuss his work to define and capture what it means to be a “Good Grandpa.” Since the last time we spoke, Ted has started a journey of writing a book that he hopes allows him to capture the different ways and...