A few weeks back, I volunteered at the scout camp where I worked in the 1980s, 1990s, and early 2000s. It was a blast being with a group of energetic people who are really putting their hearts and souls into doing what they can to make the world a better place. I was...
Dr. Karen Stillman joins the conversation this week to discuss how she helps women worldwide work through fertility issues. We learn about Karen’s passion for taking a holistic approach to the challenges women face when addressing issues around fertility. Dr....
This weekend is July 4th or Independence Day in the United States. It was the day that the United States declared its independence from England. In this one-on-one conversation, I want to encourage you to declare your independence from just ONE thing holding you back...
Dr. Gene Beresin, MD, MA, from The Clay Center for Young Healthy Minds, joins us to discuss the increase in loneliness among today’s teenagers. We start by discussing the Surgeon General’s report on loneliness, the causes and effects of loneliness in...
In this one-on-one conversation, I want to discuss grandparents’ frustrations when things don’t go as planned with their grandkids. I also want to explore the concept of having selfish and selfless motives in our actions and how these coexist. When things...