The Role of Grandparents in Family Life – EP 214

The Role of Grandparents in Family Life – EP 214

Ricky Dickson, author and former CEO, is back for a dare; I say it? A second scoop, but in this case, we are talking about his experience with being a grandson and the profound impact of grandparents on personal development and family dynamics. Ricky shares his...
EP – 212 Parental Mental Health and How We Can Help

EP – 212 Parental Mental Health and How We Can Help

DeeDee Moore from More Than Grand joins me this week to talk about the challenges facing parents and what grandparents can do to be a resource to young parents. We delve into the critical topic of parental well-being, highlighting the mental health challenges parents...
EP – 210 Tips To Find Peace This Holiday Season

EP – 210 Tips To Find Peace This Holiday Season

This week is our final one-on-one conversation for 2024 about being a cool grandpa. In this conversation, I share valuable insights and tips for grandparents navigating the holiday season. I emphasize the importance of flexibility, adjusting expectations, and focusing...
EP – 202 How We Can Support Moms

EP – 202 How We Can Support Moms

This is our second panel or round table discussion on The Cool Grandpa Podcast. I like to call these activities Cracker Barrels. I like that term because it is what we used when I was in Scouts. It is a fun, nostalgic term for gathering informally and sharing...