Doug Sohn from Success After Sixty is joining the podcast to discuss his experience living in a multi-generational home. If Doug’s name sounds familiar, that is because he is a returning guest. Doug is joining us again to talk about living in a...
This week’s guest is Jim Tracy, or as he is better known, The Grampion. Jim and I dive right in and talk about the challenges and fun of being younger grandfathers. Jim shares with us how he is building connections with his grandchildren of all ages. We learn...
This week’s conversation is with Aaron Larsen, the founder of Grandparents Academy. In our discussion, Aaron and I discuss the incredible growth of Grandparents Weeks from its first year to the present day. Being associated with Grandparents Academy and watching...
A few weeks back, I volunteered at the scout camp where I worked in the 1980s, 1990s, and early 2000s. It was a blast being with a group of energetic people who are really putting their hearts and souls into doing what they can to make the world a better place. I was...
This weekend is July 4th or Independence Day in the United States. It was the day that the United States declared its independence from England. In this one-on-one conversation, I want to encourage you to declare your independence from just ONE thing holding you back...