He was a man to ride the river with. A long time ago, someone could get no higher compliment than to be known as one to ride the river with. It seems that this phrase came about during the time of the frontiersmen and cowboys. When exactly, no one seems to know. It...
Our conversation with Daniel Crandall This conversation with Daniel Crandall is an entertaining discussion about how his grandfathers chose to become better men than perhaps circumstances would have predicted. It is incredible to learn how Daniel’s grandfathers...
Our conversation with Roland Thompson Roland Thompson sits down with us to talk about the importance of connections with our grandchildren and family. Roland is currently working on two books and launching his foundation, Heart of the Fathers. We kick off our...
Our conversation with Sylvia Liu Sylvia Liu, never met her grandfathers but they have had played an important role in the history of China, and most importantly, they have played a significant role in Syliva’s life through their example and influence on her...
My conversation with Scott Paton Scott Paton is a world-traveling grandpa who, like other new(ish) grandfathers, thinks about the legacy that they will be leaving their grandchildren. Scott and I sit down and discuss his reaction to finding out that he became a...