My cool conversation with Roger Hayes

Ever wonder who those people are that go over the top at Halloween and have the best home haunt in the neighborhood? Meet Nationally recognized home haunt and prop designer expert Roger Hayes.
Order your drink and pull up a chair so you can join my conversation with Roger as we catch up about all things Halloween. Rog is an old friend of mine with whom I have had many adventures. Some adventures we even tell our wives about. So, come on, pull up a chair, and join us for some great conversation.
Roger and I cover basic grandkid costume safety, as well as general, trick-or-treat safety with the grandkids. BTW, Roger prefers makeup to masks. Roger also talks about how grandpas can give the neighborhood and community haunted house the ‘stiff test’ for fun and SAFETY before taking the little grand ghosts and grand goblins through a home haunt.
You would be surprised about the little details that can tip you off too if the home haunt is safe, professional, and likely to be an enjoyable experience for the grandkids.
Roger and I also talk about a few arts and crafts projects that grandpas can do with the grandkids. These arts and crafts projects can become a cool tradition that the kiddo’s get to do with grandpa each fall. We both agree that the artifacts that the kids make are going to become treasured memories of their time spent with their Cool Grandpa.
Roger is super talented as you will see when you visit his website and view the pictures below. All of the artwork that you see is original and comes from the genius of Roger’s mind.
Here are the links to Roger’s site and some cool pictures of Uncle Rog’s tombstone work.
Roger’s Halloween Coloring Book