My conversation with Aaron Neuenschwander

Please pull up a chair and join Aaron and me for an interesting conversation about a company he started almost ten years ago but is really catching fire today. Aaron and his brother Cody started Readeo to help connect Aaron and Cody’s parents to Cody’s children once Cody moved to Chicago.
Readeo holds several patents on the combination of video conferencing and digital children’s books. The unique way these technologies are combined gives the users an interactive platform to share stories, conversations and strengthen bonds between children and adults.
This is an engaging conversation about how purpose and opportunity have come together to create a product that not only entertains children but also enables long-distance relationships to flourish. It isn’t every day that we come across products and services that multiple generations can use AND are easy to use.
Based on the ease of use of Readeo, the quality of the individuals running the business, and the enjoyment my grandson gets out of our reading together. I am proud to become an affiliate of Readeo. To learn more about Readeo and to start your free trial, click HERE. To make it easy for you, there is an ‘Affiliate‘ menu option on the top of my webpage, where you can also access the link to Readeo.