Our conversation with Dee Dee Moore

This week, we talked with DeeDee Moore. DeeDee was in a similar spot as I was when she found out that she was going to be a grandmother. That spot was that This week, we talked with DeeDee Moore. DeeDee was in a place similar to mine when she discovered she would be a grandmother. That spot was that there were some articles, podcasts, and magazines, but nothing designed to help grandmas or grandpas understand their new roles.
Taking what she had experienced as a mom, elementary school office lady, and years as a communications consultant Dee Dee started More Than Grand. More Than Grand is dedicated to letting parents know how important the role of being a grandparent is in the lives of their grandchildren and grown children.
You will surely enjoy this conversation, so lace up those shoes if you are going for a walk or pull up a chair if you are taking a break from your busy day and join DeeDee and me for a fun discussion.
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DeeDee’s website and community: https://www.morethangrand.com/
New Grandparent Essentials – One of the resources that DeeDee talked about
About DeeDee – The About page for More Than Grand and DeeDee