Our conversation with Jerry Zezima

You must be a certain character to see the humor in almost everything. From remembrances of your own adolescent past to a baby’s first and very awkward steps to your daily habits, which you have done for years but can no longer remember exactly why you do “that.”
Well, Jerry Zezima is that kind of character. Jerry is the needed individual that helps us see the humor and, at times, the absurdity that makes up everyday life. I am excited that Jerry has joined our conversation to remind us that a surprisingly high number of humorous events comprise our daily activities if we only open our eyes to see them.
Jerry is a father of two incredible daughters and five grandchildren. In this conversation, we learn about Jerry’s reaction to learning for the first time that he would become a grandfather. Jerry shares an amusing tale of how his daughter was married a day before Kate and William’s (the British Royals) wedding. He decided to reach out to congratulate William and Kate on their big day and received a personalized response from the royal office.
Of course, another correspondence was required when Jerry’s granddaughter was born close to the date of Kate and William’s firstborn baby. This time, Jerry sent off a letter congratulating Prince Charles on joining the proud grandfather club. Though Jerry did not receive a personalized thank you from Prince Charlie, he did get an official postcard thanking him for his letter and well wishes.
Jerry, by occupation, is a humorist and some might even say successful at his craft. I happen to be in the ‘some’ camp. You will enjoy and chuckle with us as we discuss Jerry’s background and observations on being a grandfather. Few areas of life lend themselves to humor more than our interactions with young grandchildren.
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