EP – 168 Grandfathers Walk

EP – 168 Grandfathers Walk

Daniel Grissom is passionate about helping men learn more about the Word of God and how to use that knowledge to lead their families. He is a great guy from Atlanta, Georgia, who works to develop sales leaders in his professional life and faith leaders in his...
EP – 167 Our Inner Citadel

EP – 167 Our Inner Citadel

This week’s episode is a solo show. I just finished Ryan Holiday’s The Obstacle Is The Way. This was a great book that seemed to hit at the right time. I was recently laid off from a non-profit where I had just started working. The Obstacle Is The Way is...
EP – 166 Grandparents Leave a Lasting Legacy of Love and Fun

EP – 166 Grandparents Leave a Lasting Legacy of Love and Fun

Cindy Liljedahl joins the conversation to discuss her memories of not just her grandparents but also one of our great-grandfathers. If Cindy sounds familiar to you, that is because she is half of the AdventuRetired team. Last week, we had Cindy’s husband, Curt,...
EP – 165 A Grandfather Reflects on his Grandfathers

EP – 165 A Grandfather Reflects on his Grandfathers

Curt Liljedahl from AdventuRetired is back to talk and share with us his memories of his grandfathers. Curt will introduce you to his grandfathers, James Bertelson, and JM Liljedahl. We take our time getting to know each of these gentlemen’s backgrounds and...
EP – 164 Success After Sixty

EP – 164 Success After Sixty

Doug Sohn from Success After Sixty joins our conversation to discuss how aging people can look around and see what their age and experience make possible. We talk with Doug about how, as a father of six and a successful lawyer. Shortly before his birthday, he...
EP – 163 Three Challenges for Grandpas

EP – 163 Three Challenges for Grandpas

Welcome to 2024! As we kick off this new year and new opportunities for learning, leading, and loving our families, I wanted to talk with you about navigating the challenges Grandfathers experience when caring for grandchildren. The first challenge that I think a lot...