A one-on-one with you This episode is another one-on-one conversation with you and me. I open up the conversation with a quick trip report from my last trip to Virginia the week before Easter. I spent a lot of time with my grandson, who is almost four years old. I...
Our conversation with Donne Davis This week’s guest is Donne Davis. Donne started the GaGa Sisterhood group to bring inspiration, support, and tools to grandmothers worldwide. Donne became a grandmother in 2003, and for over nineteen years, she has been on a...
Our conversation with Ed Gaffney Our conversation this week is with Ed Gaffney. We talked with Ed a few episodes ago about RVing with grandchildren. (The link to that conversation is in the links below.) Ed shares with us how he and his wife Jeanne found out that they...
Our conversation with Jeanne and Ed Gaffney Open roads, out-of-the-way adventures, and building relationships are just a few things that we talk about with Jeanne and Ed Gaffney. Through her article, “RVing with Grandchildren,” I found Jeanne on the Go...
Our One on One This episode is a chance for you and me to catch up. It has been a month or so since we last spoke. In this conversation, I talk about the critical role of being a grandfather who is a cheerleader for their grandchild. I review the different ages of...