My conversation with Gordon Hunter Gordon Hunter sits down to talk to me about how to enjoy grandkids of all ages. Gordon Hunter is a good friend from here in the Atlanta, GA, area I have had the honor to know for about 16 years. We have a great conversation about...
My Conversation with my old buddies Ted and Bob Reuss Root beer floats and slush funds two valuable lessons that we learn about from Ted and Bob’s experience with their cool grandpa. In this episode, we learn about how Ted and Bob’s grandpa worked hard to...
Welcome back! This is part 2 of my interview about Maj. General Rupertus, USMC. In this episode, Heather, Kim, and Amy join me to talk more about their extraordinary grandfather. If you haven’t heard the first episode, I strongly recommend that you go back and...
My conversation with Frank Sinclair Encouraging his grandchildren’s innate design is what Frank Sinclair is all about. Frank is one cool grandpa and shares his insights into encouraging and leading his grandchildren with love and respect. I was lucky to meet...
My conversation with Heather Bates, Kim Robinson, and Amy Peacock about researching their grandfather, Maj. General William Rupertus, USMC In this episode, I talk with Heather, Kim, and Amy about the research and their drive to document and write about their...