This weekend is July 4th or Independence Day in the United States. It was the day that the United States declared its independence from England. In this one-on-one conversation, I want to encourage you to declare your independence from just ONE thing holding you back...
Dr. Gene Beresin, MD, MA, from The Clay Center for Young Healthy Minds, joins us to discuss the increase in loneliness among today’s teenagers. We start by discussing the Surgeon General’s report on loneliness, the causes and effects of loneliness in...
This week, I am proud to have John Coulombe from Legacy Coalition on the podcast to discuss his work as a multi-generational ministry leader. We will dive into John’s background and how he has worked with youth and seniors to build bridges of understanding...
With close to four million check-in calls, Iamfine is a passionate company that ensures that seniors and other people living alone are safe and accounted for. Paul Hammond, the founder, and his brother started this business to have an automated check-in for his mother...
Kevin Lyles joined us this week to discuss his experience becoming a retirement coach. We discussed the difference between financial planners and wealth managers and how each helps grandparents and seniors plan for their financial future. Kevin also helped us...