Our conversation with Greg Vance

Greg Vance joins us again to discuss job hunting, career management, and finding work that has purpose and meaning in our middle to later years.
Greg is a successful and sought-after coach who has been where many of us are currently. He has been in a position that paid well but was uninspiring. After working with renowned (and former guest of the show) career coach, Dan Miller, Greg set out to help other people find profoundly satisfying work. You know, the kind of work where you can’t wait for Monday to come around so that you can take your strengths and dive into purposeful work.
You will be sure to enjoy this conversation and learn a lot from Greg’s experience. Also, think about a friend who could use a bit of encouragement and valuable information about finding work and share this valuable resource.
After listening to this show, be sure to like and subscribe to the podcast.
Greg’s Links
Click HERE to connect with Greg on LinkedIn
Click HERE to connect and follow Greg on Facebook
Click HERE to view Greg’s coaching website
Click HERE to listen to Greg’s other episode where we discuss his experience with being a grandfather.
Click HERE to listen to our good friend Dave Wadsworth’s Cool Grandpa episode.
Click HERE to check out the 48 Days community that Greg and I belong to.
MOOCs (Massively Open Online Courses)
Click HERE for a good article about MOOCs (Massively Open Online Courses). This is an older but still relevant article.
Click HERE for a newer list with similar names.
Click HERE to access Courrsera, a very popular MOOC
Click HERE to access Udemy. There are many paid AND free courses on this site.
Click HERE to access DataCamp. DataCamp is supper popular for data training. Some of the largest IT companies use DataCamp.
Click HERE to check out Halftime: Moving from Success to Significance.
Click HERE to order the book: 48 Days; To the Work You Love