EP – 129 You Need a Nemesis

Our monthly one-on-one conversation

The Cool Grandpa Podcast

This month, I want to talk to you about the need for a nemesis in your life. I am not talking about a person here. That kind of nemesis is different from what I want to discuss.

The nemesis I am talking about here is that obstacle in your life that keeps you from advancing in a sport, hobby, or some other endeavor you have. We all need a nemesis, something that is pushing against us and keeping us from a goal or desired state. Again, I am not talking about an individual here. The nemesis I am talking about likely doesn’t know you or care about what you are doing. The nemesis is the skill that you have yet to develop to allow you to move forward.

There are a couple of definitions of nemesis. One is a Greek goddess of retributive justice. The other common definition is “…a formidable and usually victorious rival or opponent.”

In this week’s discussion, I am talking to you about how you need to struggle to learn a new skill, develop a better technique, overcome a bad habit, something more internal than an external foe.

Why do I care about you having something to push against, something to come that is 100% in your control? I don’t want you to atrophy. I don’t want YOU as a cool grandpa, grandma, mom, or dad to stop growing, pressing forward, and struggling.

Our spirits need resistance to grow and continue to develop. The best nemesis is the ones that block us from the level of development that we want to achieve or be at. It doesn’t matter if you are working on a baby sky hook shot in backyard basketball or learning to roll your ‘Rs’ while learning Spanish properly.

Remember, though, that I recommend focusing on one nemesis at a time AND not letting the nemesis completely block you from enjoying the sport, hobby, or ‘thing’ you are working on. A good nemesis will challenge you and reward you for overcoming it and moving on to the next challenge of nemesis on your journey.

What nemesis are you currently working on? Comment below and let me know if I can help you overcome your nemesis.

This is a really important conversation, and I hope you share it with your other family and friends after you have listened to this show. Sharing is the best way to help me spread the word about the importance of grandfathers in the lives of their grandchildren and families.


You can now purchase my children’s book, My Grandpa’s Grandpa, directly from my website. Click HERE for the link.

I would appreciate it if you could support the show. You can support the show through “Buy me a Coffee” and donate a few dollars by clicking HERE.

My children’s book, My Grandpa’s Grandpa, is now available for download. You can download the Kindle version by clicking on this LINK.

Affiliate Links

Grandparents Academy offers some great educational opportunities for grandfathers and grandmothers alike. Click HERE to pick a topic that is great for you.

You can listen to last week’s episode and subscribe to the show on Spotify.

Affiliate Links

These are links to products and services that I highly recommend AND use. I do get a percentage of the purchases you make.

More than GrandMore Than Grand is an excellent resource for new grandparents AND parents. Listeners of The Cool Grandpa Podcast enjoy 10% off any fantastic products that More Than Grand provides by entering COOLGRANDPA10 at checkout. To visit More Than Grand, click HERE.

Intentional Grandfathering MasterclassGrandfathers have a unique and meaningful role to play in grandchildren’s development, yet they often find themselves behind the scenes, on the sidelines, or less engaged than they’d like to be. This masterclass delivers a playbook for helping grandfathers level up their influence and impact. Listeners to The Cool Grandpa Podcast can receive 40% off this course by using Cool40 at checkout.

Grandparents academyFounded in 2011 by Aaron Larsen as a way to honor his grandparents, GrandparentsAcademy.com is the world’s first and only online academy dedicated to helping grandparents grow meaningful relationships and rich legacies with their loved ones.

My Grandpa’s Grandpa

When it is time for bed, Charlie’s grandpa tucks Charlie in. Charlie asks his grandpa many questions about his grandpa’s grandpa. Charlie’s grandpa shares a magical moment as he introduces Charlie to his great-grandpa through fun memories.


This is my children’s book, created to entertain and inspire conversations about other family members that the children may not have had the opportunity to meet.



If you prefer an eBook, you can download the Kindle version by clicking on this LINK.

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